Isnin, 8 Disember 2008

Faulty recordings during exams

I WOULD like to complain about what occurred during the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) held at SMK Tunku Ampuan Durah Seremban, one of many examination centres in the coutry. The audio recordings played by the invigilators was faulty and “inaudible” at times.

The candidates had a very hard time listening to the content which obviously affected their ability to respond appropriately and accurately to the given questions.

Soon after the exam was over, many candidates complained about the poor quality of the recordings to the inviligators but there wasn’t much they could do but sympathise with them.

The test is to determine their English language proficiency before they can be accepted into any one of the country’s public universities.

Since it is an important paper, I urge the Malaysian Examinations Council to look into the matter as the candidates do not want their results to be jeopardised by something they had no control over.

Via e-mail

The Star Online: 7 Disember 2008

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